If you prepare for GCSE or would like to try a well known technique to enhance your writing, go on reading!
PEED stands for Point – Example – Explanation – Development.
It’s a memory technique so you are able to recall what you need to do when answering a question. It helps you answer in a complete way that will support your ideas and skills.
Many people when writing an answer to a question, even not during exams, they get panicked or confused and miss important points that can help support a great answer. Remembering this technique is key to unlock your potential. See the bullet points to understand more.
- Make your POINT to answer to answer in 1-2 sentences.
- Give an EXAMPLE from the extract (like a quote or small description)
- EXPLAIN how your example supports your point.
- DEVELOP your point – this can involve the effect on the reader, the writer’s intention etc
Remember this technique can also be found as PEE (Development not included), PEEL (L is for Link back to the question – and for linking ideas and make comparisons), PETAL (Point – Evidence – Technique – Analysis – Link), PQAZERD (Point – Quote – Analysis – Zoom – Explain – Respond – Develop), SEXIOWL (Statement – Evidence – X-planation – Inference – One-word focus – Writer’s intention – Link), PEAL, PETER, TEPAE and so on. There can be as many abbreviations as you like and that, in my opinion, is the reason a lot of debate goes on online about how helpful it can be or not depending the level someone works in English.
My suggestion is use this and any other technique you like as long as you feel creative and not restricted by its terms. The number 1 skill is resilience and achievements are directly linked to that no matter the context.
Hope this helped! 🙂
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